
Thursday 22 March 2018

Kiwi Sport

L.I To learn how to run around the basis and use a bat properly.

Today at kiwi sport we played the same game as last week, scatter ball. We first had to remember the batting skills which are: Shoulder with a apart, knuckles aligned, right hand on top of the left hand (left hand on top of right if left handed), and bat on right shoulder (again if left handed bat on left shoulder). This time when we played scatter ball the batters had to actually use the bat how they are suppose to, if they miss three or four times then they can hit it from the tee. The batters had to try to hit the ball while it was thrown to them. They could also stop on the base if the ball almost got to the home base. For the fielders there was a backstop that they had to throw it straight to. After scatter ball we played a game where we had to get in circle and we all had to have our hands on our knees. The thrower could also fake throw to make the other person flinch, if they flinch they are out. If they miss the ball they also are out.

I learned by using the batting skills and learning how to bat properly by hitting the ball when its thrown to me. 

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